Safety Tips for ATV Riders

ATV riding is one of the most rewarding and exciting activities around, but it’s important to understand how to stay safe while doing it. Making sure the proper safety measures are in place not only keeps you safe but offers peace-of-mind that you’re adequately protected in the case of an emergency. By following the fundamental rules of ATV riding, you can prevent injury or damage to the vehicle.
Here are some of the best safety tips for ATV Riders.
Wear a Helmet
This tip might be the most important one. Helmets are instrumental in protecting yourself if something were to go wrong. The benefits of wearing a helmet are well-documented and their ability to save lives and prevent major injuries can’t be overlooked. Whether it’s your first time riding an ATV or you’ve had years of experience, the importance of wearing a helmet is something all ATV riders should keep in mind. Steve’s provides DOT approved helmets for all rentals free of charge.
Watch Your Speed
This may not be a major issue for our more experienced riders, but for people just starting out, it’s important to keep an eye on how fast you’re riding. It’s easy to get used to driving fast on the more uniform and smooth trails, but the more complex and tricky terrain requires a bit more nuance. Working on mastering your vehicles’ control and handling first allows you to safely ramp up your speed. Not only will your ride be more enjoyable, but you’ll also stay safer!
Learn About Your Riding Terrain
If you haven’t ridden on a certain terrain—whether it be trails, dirt, sand, or gravel—it may help to get a better idea of what you can expect. For instance, our three Steve’s ATV Rental locations in Pismo Beach, Oregon Dunes, and Palm Springs are relatively different terrains. If you’re visited one of these locations or are used to only one type of terrain, you’ll benefit from learning more about what surfaces you’ll be riding on. In most riding areas, there also parts that are off-limits for your safety, so pay attention to signage and other indicators like fencing.
At Steve’s ATV Rentals, we prioritize safety so that you can enjoy your time with us! Our safety video, along with our amazing staff, ensure that all riders have a safe and exciting time. Check out our discounts and specials and book your ATV excursion today!